Phone: 027 4938 124

What does NPI stand for?

NPI stands for ‘Neuro Pain Inhibitor’

How do I find the right place to attach the device?

We have outlined the simple steps here.

Could I use NPI Therapy for other chronic pain I have?

You can. We have seen such excellent results for knee pain so we focus on that. But the same technology will work on other areas and sources of pain. 

What if the NPI device doesn’t work for me?

NPI therapy devices have a 30 day money back guarantee. If they don’t work for you, don’t hesitate to send them back - you can get in touch here.

What do I get when I purchase an NPI pack?

One NPI pack contains

  • 1 x Large NPI device
  • 1 x Medium NPI device
  • 1 x device holder 
  • 1 x roll of hypoallergenic hospital grade tape

How long does the pain relief last?

The results do vary from person to person. We recommend keeping the device on for a week at first, then remove . Replace typically for 3 days at a time, as discomfort dictates.

Can I take a bath or shower when wearing an NPI device?

Yes you can. Change the tape as needed but it's hospital grade tape which will keep it's stick for quite some time.

I have sensitive skin, I’m wary of using the tape. What do I do?

Some people complain of tape sensitivity and have tried a protective barrier product and still have problems. Pure Vitamin E is a great treatment for skin irritation. Speak to your Pharmacist about alternative adhesive tape options.

What do I need to be aware of?

Warnings and disclaimers:

  • NPI Therapy devices are not a cure for any disease, ailment or defect, but may potentially provide comfort or localised temporary relief of minor aches and pains.
  • Do not wear NPI Therapy devices near sensitive medical equipment or implants such as pacemakers, dorsal column stimulators, infusion pumps, or any other magnetically programmable medical devices. If you are uncertain if these contraindications apply to you, consult your health care professional prior to use.
  • This product is not a replacement for professional medical treatment. It is recommended you consult with a suitably qualified healthcare professional regarding pain management options.
  • Use only as directed, if symptoms persist, see your health care professional.
  • Do not use during pregnancy as there has not been adequate safety testing.
  • Clinical results may vary between individuals and cannot be guaranteed.


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